President: Margaret Davis Vice President: Open Immediate Past President: Susan Cook Secretary: Liz Gillette Asst. Secretary: Christy Martin Treasurer: Mary Smith Asst. Treasurer: Ellen Shiery
Click on the committee name below to learn more.
Standing Committee Charters
The documents below were prepared in cooperation with the Governance Committee and reviewed by the appropriate committee chairs. They are published in PDF format.
Researches and provides educational programming that informs Members about issues affecting women and families in Anne Arundel County; supports the growth of Members as informed decision-makers when applying grant funding to solutions. Contact the Education Committee
Manages the process for developing the timeline, overseeing the call for proposals, and receiving grant proposals submitted to AAWGT; develops and updates the grant application and other processes used to evaluate grant proposals; oversees a subcommittee to review grant proposals, conduct site visits, and recommend a slate of potential grantees to the membership for final grant selection. Contact the Grants Committee
Chair: Jean Mitchell
Assistant Chairs: Stealey Ashley, Chris Messina-Boyer
Manages the software platform (from Foundant Technologies) that is used by applicants, grantees, Grants Committee and Post-Grants Evaluation Committee for online applications, review, reporting and data collection. Contact the Grants Systems Committee
Chair: Cindy Whittle
Assistant Chair: Barbara Haight
Hosts an annual Women and Leadership event for Members and the community at large; works with committees to facilitate a pipeline of committee membership and leadership; and, annually nominates and presents a slate of Officers and Committee Chairs and Assistant Chairs for voting by the general membership. Contact the Leadership Development and Nominating Committee
Develops regular informational AAWGT communications for AAWGT members, helps promote events, manages the AAWGT website and e-newsletter, develops and distributes member marketing materials, and handles media relations. Contact the Marketing and Communications Committee
Chair: Darcy Scott
Assistant Chair: Jessica Beckerman
Provides information to prospective members; welcomes new members, facilitating their participation in activities and committees; and plans new member orientations and other events to engage members and prospective members. Contact the Membership Committee
Chair: Sue Pitchford
Assistant Chair: Cathleen Sparrow
Post-Grants Evaluation Committee Serves as yearlong point of contact to the AAWGT Grant recipients; assigns team of liaisons to each grant; conducts mid-year and final evaluations, tracking the performance of grant activities and use of AAWGT grant dollars. Contact the Grantee Liaison Committee
Chair: Shari Friedman
Assistant Chair: Kelly Purnell
Chair: Lisa Ausherman
Assistant Chair: Cheryl Hoffman Russell
Web/IT Team
Manage and administer Wild Apricot (our web and data management platform), Google Drive archive, and Flickr photo gallery. Contact the Web/IT Committee
Open to all members, the Racial Equity Study Group addresses topics both historic and current, brings in speakers, all to learn for ourselves or figure out new ways our giving circle can expand what we do through grants, education programs and outreach. This is a safe space where participants can learn from each other and talk about issues related to diversity, equity and inclusion. Meetings are held monthly, often via Zoom.Contact the Racial Equity Study Group