Kelly Purnell and her husband, Ted, moved to Edgewater 14 years ago to raise their four sons, now ages 21, 20, 17, and 16. “Our kids attend(ed) public or private high schools so I’ve been active on school boards and church. With two sons away in college and two here in high school, we’re almost empty nesters, so I’m looking to get more involved in the community. My background was social work (received a master’s degree from UMB), so families and children have always been my passion and AAWGT seemed a good fit.” Kelly knew about AAWGT, having applied for a grant for Joy Reigns Lutheran Church Recovery Rental Assistance in 2020, but the program was shut down due to COVID. She also serves on the board of Journey to Joy, a grant applicant in 2023 and 2024. After attending AAWGT’s open house at South River Colony Conservancy, which is “practically right in my backyard,” Kelly joined AAWGT. “This was right before grant voting last year. Looking at all the organizations on the ballot, I was perfectly happy with my membership money going to ANY of them.” Kelly mentions that the new membership options made it a little less daunting to join, “when you then can learn and feel confident about what you’re giving to.” Kelly is trying to go to as many AAWGT events as possible. “I’ve met interesting people with many different backgrounds. I also took the assistant chair position for the Grantee Liaison Committee as an outlet to channel my energy and make connections with people who share goals and values of supporting the community.” Kelly works part-time as a customized trip planner for Scandinavian Travel. “The job gives me flexibility with my time, and I love it when people come back, show me their photos, and say, ‘We had a fantastic trip.’” Kelly, herself, enjoys travel, plays tennis, and is their speedboat’s “spotter” for her wake-surfing family. Sonja Swygert, born and educated in Baltimore, joined AAWGT in 2021. Active in the non-profit space, and then on the board of the Community Foundation, “I saw joining AAWGT as a way to give as part of a group of committed women, while also putting that pooled money in the Foundation. Our dollars make a greater impact that way. It’s also important to me that AAWGT’s vetting process is of such high quality and that the members are making the decisions as to where the money goes.” Sonja currently is on the Board of Maryland Hall. “I’ve made a contribution to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Maryland Hall, thanks to the support of the new executive director and the board, who have made a difference through a commitment to fund and engage a DEI consultant. Arts organizations need a diverse audience and staff to support the community.” She also is a volunteer at the Banneker Douglass Museum and previously was an active fundraiser for Howard University, especially for the Moorland Spingarn Library and Howard University Hospital, during her then-husband’s tenure as the university’s president. Sonja received her undergraduate degree from Morgan State University and later a Master of Education degree from Temple University. In her early career, she taught in the Baltimore City schools, adult education in Brooklyn, NY, was director of Galbraith Daycare Center in D.C. and the Hahneman Daycare Center for Exceptional Children, and taught Head Start for special needs children at Green Tree School—both in Philadelphia. On the hobby side, Sonja is a collector of African American art and loves travel, particularly southwest U.S. and Italy. She lived with the family in Ghana and Israel, reflecting her spouse’s teaching career. A resident of the Annapolis area for 20 years, Sonja now resides in the historic district of Annapolis. She has two sons, Michael, who graduated from Temple University’s Law School, and works for Baltimore County, and Patrick, Jr., who graduated from University of Virginia and Howard University Law School, and is self-employed. In closing, Sonja says, “At this point in my life, I see myself as paying it forward and using my experience to do good.” Cathleen Sparrow, the executive director of the AAC Public Library Foundation (AACPLF), joined AAWGT in 2020. “Shortly after moving from Salt Lake City, where I was part of a giving circle, I got interested in AAWGT because I thought it would be a great way to meet like-minded women in my new community.” I was also impressed with the grants that AAWGT gave to the library. 2020-2021 were not the years for in-person gatherings, but Cathleen did participate in as many virtual events as she could. Once the “Getting Togethers” and other events resumed, Cathleen jumped right in. In 2022, she joined the Membership Committee, joining Chair Sue Pitchford as assistant chair of renewals. In 2024, she will serve as the assistant chair of the Mentorship Program, which helps new members become well acquainted with all aspects of AAWGT.” ‟I enjoy contributing to the membership committee, working to foster a stronger sense of belonging among our members. Having attended the Philanos Conference in Baltimore, my commitment has deepened even further and I hope that our members, especially new members, recognize the collective impact we, as women, are making together to make a difference in our community.” Cathleen was born and raised in California and graduated from San Jose State University with a degree in parks and recreation administration. “One of my career highlights was to move to Salt Lake City to work on the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. I really thought I’d move back to California, but I met my husband Randy there and stayed.” After being a director in government recreation positions for 25+ years, she switched gears to be an executive director at a hospital foundation, and chief development officer for Volunteers of America, along with working with several other nonprofits. "I’m deeply passionate about contributing to the nonprofit sector, and my role at the library holds a special place in my heart, bringing immense fulfillment to my work. Retirement is a notion that remains distant on my horizon, as I continue to find purpose and joy in what I do.” Cathleen is an avid reader who loves to knit. She rides a Harley and has been across the U.S. on it several times. Regarding the beauty of the Bay and its rivers, she says “I hope people realize how gorgeous it is here. Randy and I feel like we’re on vacation every day.” They enjoy kayaking, boating, their two dogs, and being the favorite “cool aunt and uncle” to a “bevy of nieces and nephews.” Cathleen and Randy live in Edgewater. Katherine Barnett joined AAWGT in April of 2022, after moving to Annapolis in September 2021 from McLean, VA. Jodee Hechler invited her to learn about the Giving Circle at the Spring Open House that month. “I had served for eight years on the McLean Community Foundation board, so I was familiar with foundation functioning, governance, and grant authorizing. What struck me first about AAWGT was the age diversity of the women and how committed, passionate, curious, and articulate they were. It’s also clear that AAWGT members have a thorough presence in bringing solutions to the community. I thought: ‘This is a group I want to be in, and the people I want to know.” “To be able to vote in 2022, I had to join right away. As we expect to be living in this area for the next 25-30 years, I chose a Lifetime Membership. Additionally, I joined the Governance Committee because Sue Russell told me that the Governance/Leadership group is the place to start if you want to learn everything about AAWGT.” Katherine grew up in a ranching community in Montana where “everybody knows everybody and the community is generous in helping to solve problems for families in need. She went to St. Olaf College in Minnesota and then joined the Air Force. Commissioned as an officer, she served for 8-1/2 years, the last four of which were at the Pentagon. While in the Air Force, she earned an MBA in finance, which made for a good transition into the business of investments. “I became a stockbroker—now called financial advisor—and for 32 years, led a team of eight people as part of Merrill Lynch.” She was and continues to be passionate about picking stocks and following companies. She’s now retired. Returning to Montana every year, Katherine loves to fly fish and hike, based out of a home just three hours from Yellowstone. Katherine and Jeff have two daughters and five grandchildren who live in the area, so they enjoy seeing them frequently. Christy Martin is a very recent member of AAWGT, having joined in August of this year — just in time to attend the September Grants Showcase. Longtime members Stealey Ashley and Kathy Brooks, whom she knows as Title Officer for Mid-Atlantic Settlement Services, introduced Christy to the organization. They shared their perspectives knowing that its mission would resonate with her. While she has volunteered for many years and committed herself to different areas of service, with her two sons now 19 and 21 years of age, she thought it might be the perfect time to “lean into volunteering” with AAWGT. This year’s Grants Showcase gave Christy a perfect opportunity to experience the essence of Anne Arundel Women Giving Together. She was particularly struck by the dedication and thoroughness of those involved in reviewing grants and she witnessed first hand the careful and supportive role the Post Grants Committee plays with grantees in the year following their awards. She had an opportunity to meet and chat with a number of members about the varying roles they play (or have played) in AAWGT over the years. “The evening spoke volumes about the passion, dedication, and careful thought that goes into this organization and its mission.” Christy has been active in real estate since 2011, serving as sales associate and real estate instructor as well as title officer. One of her primary passions is yoga. She has taught all types of yoga to multiple age groups over the past decade. It fits well with the mindfulness and meditation she practices every day. In both yoga and real estate, her personal path in life is a combination of being the learner and teacher, always circling from one back to the other. She believes yoga and real estate are both services that help others on their journey and for her, being a part of someone’s journey is the greatest gift. With that in mind, after learning more about AAWGT, Christy knew contributing to the mission would be a perfect fit for her. Ellen Shiery joined AAWGT in 2017 and has been actively involved in the organization since that time. She was attracted by the Giving Circle’s support through the years of Anne Arundel County CASA, where she was a volunteer and, later, a board member. “If CASA is not funded, AAC children who are under court protection in foster care due to abuse and neglect, simply do NOT have advocates.” In 2022, Ellen became a Lifetime Member of AAWGT which creates a way for a member’s contribution to keep giving through endowed funds. AAWGT currently has 19 Lifetime Members. “I plan on being a member forever, so why wouldn’t I join in this category? It just makes sense.” “Never have I had such an opportunity to be part of a group that is as passionate or actively engaged in productive local community nonprofit and philanthropic work. Membership has been for me a welcoming, warm, and important way to get to know the community and build meaningful friendships. And there are so many opportunities for mentorship, learning, and participating—without having to over-commit yourself.” Ellen has served as assistant treasurer and is now AAWGT’s treasurer. “I enjoy participating and having the opportunity to engage with the Steering Committee, getting a high-level picture of the organization. I am grateful to all the women who have dedicated, and continue to dedicate, so much time and energy to expanding the Giving Circle and helping find so many ways to positively impact the community.” Ellen grew up in Greenwood, Delaware (pop. 500), went to Wesley College and holds a bachelor’s degree in communications. She made the transition to the finance field early in her career, and is currently a Certified Financial Planner (TM). She has a 15-year track record as a wealth management advisor for Merrill Lynch and is part of an advisory practice that serves nonprofits, foundations, endowments, and the philanthropic individuals and families who support them. “My personal, professional, and philanthropic work is entwined.” Ellen lives in Edgewater Beach with her husband Andrew, with whom she enjoys boating. “We have two six-month-old rescue kittens known by us as the ‘chaos kitties.’ I am an aspiring embroiderer and an amateur genealogist, tracking my own family’s past since at least the early 1800s in Tennessee, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas.” Cassandra Moore joined AAWGT in July 2016, having been invited to one of its events by long-time member Judy Coughlin. Cassandra is the director of enrollment and admissions at Anne Arundel Community College (AACC). During her long career, she has gained experience at every level of college admissions. “I joined and will continue to participate because AAWGT’s mission is in line with my family-based core value of service. I love AAWGT’s mission of women pooling their resources to make a greater impact on improving the lives of women, children, and families, and importantly, doing so in this county. I wanted to learn more about needs in this county and what organizations were stepping up to the plate to meet those needs.” Cassandra noted that this information is helpful in how she and her colleagues at AACC engage with prospective students and families in each community. She mentioned that her “spirit animal” is the octopus, “because admissions professionals’ tentacles touch so many aspects of the student experience.” In terms of AAWGT activities, Cassandra focuses on two areas: the Grants Committee, where she’s participated as a reviewer for many years, and the Education Committee, of which she’s currently assistant chair. “I like the fact that AAWGT members are always asking how we can do better for our members and community, and are not resting on our laurels.” “Born and raised in Arkansas, I describe myself as a Southerner with agricultural roots, from a family of farmers, teachers, preachers, and librarians. My parents were educators who loved intelligent people who were great conversationalists. They prized being informed and viewed education as the pathway to opportunity. One of their favorite sayings was, “looks will fade, but dumb is forever.” Cassandra and her brother felt nurtured and fully supported by them throughout their lives. “They never diminished our dreams.” Cassandra married a military officer who is now retired and teaching in Anne Arundel County public schools. She is the proud mother of two young adults. Her son works as a pricing specialist at MRC Global and her daughter is an educator, recently named Howard County Public School’s Teacher of the Year. Cassandra loves reading, traveling, visiting museums and independent bookstores (of which she’s a strong supporter), movies, the theater, and spending time with family. Her “guilty pleasure” is candles and her favorite book is Isabella Wilkerson’s The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration. “It really is a depiction of my family’s history.” Darcy Scott has an established business providing expertise in government affairs and event management to large organizations such as Habitat for Humanity and Big Brothers Big Sisters, etc., and their constituents coming to Capitol Hill for meetings or Lobby Day. She also performs the role of government affairs staff person for many other small groups. After living in the DC area for almost 30 years, Darcy and her husband retreated to their weekend home on Broadwater Creek during Covid where they continued to run their businesses from home. As the pandemic subsided, Darcy wanted to make connections in what was now to be her permanent home and met a previous AAWGT president at a social event. She knew about the giving circle and was “happy to hear about one thriving so close to my home in Churchton.” She joined shortly thereafter in spring, 2023. She is impressed with the wide range of women in AAWGT as well as the variety of programming and volunteer opportunities offered. Darcy has taken advantage of the new member receptions and enjoyed meeting other AAWGT members with common work and life experiences. She’s also enjoyed learning about and voting for the grants awarded this spring. Growing membership to the level that giving can expand to more entities impacting children and families is her hope for AAWGT’s future. Darcy and her husband, Mark Smith, live on the water in Cape Anne, a charming community in Churchton. Not long after relocating here permanently, Darcy convinced her parents to move to a home across the street and quickly got them into community activities. She and her father volunteer weekly to pick up unsold produce from a local farmer’s market and deliver to a nearby food pantry. Her two adult children live and work in DC and are frequent visitors. Deborah Chin joined AAWGT in December 2020, having heard about it through her employer and Martha Schwieters, a long-time AAWGT member. With an extensive career in nonprofit management, Deborah is the development associate for LETS GO Boys and Girls. The charity creates economic success for underrepresented and marginalized communities by empowering youth through STEM education and workforce development. Deborah initially joined AAWGT’s Membership Committee and started the morning Getting Together coffees. She also created a tool for membership growth through networking. She currently serves on the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Committee. “One of the biggest benefits I’ve received from AAWGT is the networking—the sharing of ideas. The vast diversity of thought and experience of the women has been so valuable. It’s also touched me personally, as I received amazing support during my father’s recent decline. The doors it opens for people I can call friends has been phenomenal.” Nonprofits help that happen. “I think one of the great things about nonprofits, which I’ve been working for since I was a teenager, is that they give people an opportunity to gain skills and experience at a much quicker pace than is possible in for-profits. I like to say I’m a conduit rather than an influencer or some other label. If you need something and don’t know where to go, I likely know someone who can help. But I’m also a doer.” “I come from a family that believes in philanthropy. When my mother’s family emigrated to the U.S. from war-ravaged China, they brought children from the community, eventually adopting them into our family,” Deborah shared. Prior to her current position in LETS GO, Deborah served as the SVP, Strategic Development and CAO at The ERISA Industry Committee. She earned her Certified Association Executive (CAE) credential in 2008 and is an American Society of Association Executives Diversity Executive Leadership Program alumni. For fun, Deborah loves to cook, try new restaurants, play board games with friends and volunteer in different organizations. She also does a lot of pro bono consulting for various associations and charities. Jessica moved to Annapolis with her young family in 2021 after living in downtown Washington, DC, and splitting their time at their home in West River, MD. She had a 10+ year career in counter terrorism as a consultant supporting a variety of government agencies. As she settled into her new environment here, Jessica began searching for a way to get involved in the nonprofit community. With information gleaned from the Internet and the encouragement of a neighbor, Jessica joined AAWGT in 2021. The focus on women, children and families was critical. The giving circle concept was especially appealing – to be part of a group effort with the flexibility for members to participate according to their various time commitments and skill sets. Understandably important with two toddlers at home! Jessica’s willingness to share her skills, passions and interests is evident as she describes her desire for further involvement in AAWGT activities. She has enjoyed the education programs about community need and looks forward to being involved with the grant process next year. Jessica mentioned her support for more in-person meetings and feels those connections create a lot of energy. She is enthusiastic about ways to encourage diversity and suggests a “champion” for each zip code in the county to recruit and expand membership. Jessica grew up in Laurel, MD, where her family had an art gallery and frame shop. She was part of the operation from an early age and gained the skills to manage interactions with customers. An early college English course included a visit to a rehabilitation center in Baltimore that made quite an impact. It gave her an increased understanding and compassion for others that she has built upon with a degree in international studies and throughout her career and in her community service. Jessica and her husband, Michael, live in Arundel on the Bay with their daughters, and two dogs. They love being on the water and spending time with family close by in Washington and in Charleston, SC. Donna Anderson is the Executive Director of Chesapeake Arts Center in Brooklyn Park, MD. Her career in nonprofit management, marketing and development spans more than three decades, including positions at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, National Building Museum and Goodwill Industries. Donna “met” AAWGT in its initial years (2007-8) during her tenure at Maryland Hall. “As someone who works in nonprofits, I was appreciative and thankful that a group of women wanted to come together and build capacity for nonprofits with a particular focus on family and children,” she said. She followed AAWGT activities through the years and joined the organization in 2021. She attended the September 2022 Grants Showcase, which she said was “really inspiring, solidifying her belief in AAWGT’s excellent work through the years.” Donna currently serves as assistant chair of AAWGT’s Marketing and Communications Committee and is “knee deep in learning how the wheels hum.” She noted this: “The women I’m meeting feel called to be part of this organization and are passionate about its mission, operations, and most importantly, giving back to the community through the grants program.” In addition to her full-time job and AAWGT, Donna is on the board of directors of Visit Annapolis and Anne Arundel County and an elder at her church. She and her husband live in Gambrills and have two adult children who live in New York City. In her spare time, Donna enjoys watching sports, music, reading, movies, volunteering and traveling. Shari Friedman is a career educator who taught in the public school system, facilitated programs in Montgomery County nonprofits and developed a focus area of working with children with learning differences and executive functioning challenges. She is the founder of SF Academic Coaching where she helps young people understand and embrace their learning styles, get excited about what they are studying and identify strategies that will help them reach their goals. Upon relocating to the Annapolis area from Montgomery County in 2020, Shari discovered AAWGT while looking for a way to connect with people in the community. She was so excited to find a group of “bright, capable women with varied careers and experiences who were engaged with under-served communities.” Shari was interested in continuing her many years of partnering with local nonprofit organizations and found that AAWGT offered a variety of outlets for “heartwarming problem-solving” in the community. Shari jumped right into AAWGT’s Grants and Post Grants Evaluation committees. She loved the opportunity to be able to understand the needs of applicants and then actually maintain an authentic connection as the grantee implements the work. She sees the post grants evaluation process as a great avenue to form a respectful partnership with organizations. Shari has also participated in the Racial Equity Study Group which she sees as an important part of AAWGT’s growth and involvement in the community. Shari loves AAWGT’s mission to learn more about the many community organizations that are working hard to make life better for women and their families. Shari and her husband, Mark, live in Edgewater and have three adult children. They enjoy the local music scene and look forward to discovering more of the activities coming to life now as venues open post-pandemic. Shari is an avid reader and enjoys hiking, yoga, Pilates and travel. Lynne Davidson, one of AAWGT’s founding members, says “It was exhilarating for me to be part of the initial group, launched by Sharon Stewart in 2005, that created our first bylaws, committees, membership structure, programs, and grant priorities.” Lynne has a 30+ year career in nonprofit fundraising, marketing communications and project management, which all were very useful in AAWGT’s early years. She went on to serve as AAWGT President in 2009 and helped launch AAWGT’s Endowment Fund. “The best part of AAWGT is the open exchange of ideas and the passion, talent, and collaboration that define the organization. This may be because so many members, regardless of age, have — or have had — interesting careers and/or deep volunteer experience, leading to what I consider a very professional planning and problem-solving approach. AAWGT is a great forum for learning about issues and participating in creating positive change in our community. I hope we keep doing what we do best (i.e., addressing current issues affecting our County’s most vulnerable populations, staying open-minded to new ideas, and making sure to spread the good word about this organization.” While there were years when she was unable to be actively involved in AAWGT due to family, professional, and other personal priorities, she’s currently on the Membership Committee, has served as a Team Leader for the Grants Committee this year, and is coordinating the AAWGT Business Sponsorship program. Lynne grew up in the Detroit area but considers Annapolis her home. She and Brad, her husband of 40 years, have two adult children living in New York City. Lynne is a daily exerciser — walking, doing yoga, and light weights — and loves music, reading, and traveling (most recently to Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon with her husband’s family foundation), and she’s learning to play bridge. “AAWGT has made me appreciate that everyone has a story and a skillset, and all can complement each other, proving that the collective whole is greater than the sum of the parts.” In the Beginning Bronwyn attended her first membership meeting in 2006 as the organization was just being formed. “I knew a lot about the needs and issues of nonprofits nationwide, but very little about nonprofits in my community. I saw AAWGT as a good way to learn about the emerging and entrenched issues to be addressed through ‘paying it forward’ locally.” Off and Running With a background in grant seeking/making, Bronwyn joined the Grants Committee in 2006, helping to design the program and raise $38K for the first grants in 2007. She was Chair in 2007 and 2008 and then assumed the roles of AAWGT Vice President in 2009 and President in 2010. In 2010, AAWGT received an anonymous gift of $25K to start an endowment fund and matched it with member donations. “It’s been exciting to watch the fund grow, thereby helping to ensure enduring support for our grantmaking mission.” Continuous Improvement “Every year we try to improve on each aspect of the work we do. This is good, except that change sometimes is hard,” says Bronwyn. “For example, the quality of the grant proposals has improved over the years due to the training we provide nonprofits each and every year. Adopting new technology has enabled us to make the grant writing and review process more accessible and transparent.” Bronwyn cites the Racial Equity Study Group as a critically important area of continuous improvement. “I am thrilled with the progress its 50-some members have made personally and organizationally to evolve to be more diverse and focused on the philanthropic inequities that have caused a lot of the problems our funding supports,” says Bronwyn. “It adds another dimension to our work which is important and timely.” Growing the Organization and Its Resources “AAWGT’s number one focus is growth. I believe there are still lots of women in our county who would benefit from becoming members of the Giving Circle. The more members we have, the more funds we can give. It’s a win/win situation,” says Bronwyn. “Looking back, in honor of our 10th anniversary, we created a mechanism whereby members could become 'Lifetime Members’ and pay a lump sum, thereby building a safety net for the organization. In a year when we might have diminished resources, it is possible to request that a slightly larger distribution be made from our endowed funds into the grant fund,” describes Bronwyn. Promoting a Larger Philanthropic Role in the Community “Seeded by information provided by AAWGT about nonprofits in the community, many of us make contributions and have served on boards or as volunteers,” says Bronwyn. “AAWGT has lifted us up, educated us, and made us more aware and engaged. That’s something we can’t readily measure, but I think it’s another extraordinary benefit of the organization.” “And, what I didn’t expect on joining AAWGT was that I would meet so many extraordinary women, who have become my sisters and lifelong friends, stepping up be a village of support in times of need.” “By supporting and shining a light on organizations that have a positive impact in the community, AAWGT provides a unique opportunity for those who want to make a difference.” Having an Impact “A lot of us who are philanthropically minded sometimes feel powerless. We see major societal issues and want to be part of the change, but don’t know how or don’t have enough money to make a real impact,” says Margo. “Being a part of a collective giving circle like AAWGT allows your donated money to make a larger impact. And, you can help to identify the most important issues in the County and support organizations that are doing really great work.” Following a Passion Encouraged to join AAWGT by Tara Clifford, Margo Cook took a major plunge in doing so five years ago. “The President and CEO of my firm, Jim Brennan, (1 North Wealth Services) encourages all of our team to give back to the community as part of our philanthropic mission. He has fully supported my taking the time to do so as a result,” comments Margo. Margo and her husband Lee have two young children, so time was, and is, in short supply. “I was able to join committees right away, the first of which was the Grants Committee,” notes Margo. “It’s at the center of what AAWGT does, providing a view of all the fantastic work being done by nonprofit organizations in the community.” She also joined the Membership Committee, because she “fell in love with the people in the group, who are people I want to be like.” Margo also is a part of the small, strong team that secures corporate sponsors. The Future of AAWGT “AAWGT has added so much to my life and I look forward to the volunteer work I do. I hope others will join us so we become a mammoth funding group that can help solve big problems in the community,” concludes Margo. “If we use our trusted, respected, and ethical philanthropic power, we can help shape the agenda and use our access and influence to affect priorities in Anne Arundel County.” Helping AAWGT Grow With a deep commitment to, and a career focused on, community development and affordable housing, Tara was active in Baltimore’s Giving Circle. Then Tara joined AAWGT at its founding in 2005. She was part of the team that discussed and drafted guidelines for the first grants in 2007. In 2007, Tara spearheaded a new committee—Post-Grants Evaluation—and served as its first Chair, with Barbara Hoffstein as Vice Chair. “We established a process to ensure AAWGT/grantee partnership and mutual understanding of the results and impacts to be achieved, with monitoring through regular communication and site visits,” says Tara. Tara cites and salutes the many accomplishments in AAWGT’s early years, including the design and implementation of the website, and getting the infrastructure up and running for the organization’s operations, communications, membership/grantee database, electronic invoicing, and online applications. In 2009, Tara received the Founders Award, presented annually to a member for exemplary efforts and results. Also in that year, with Bronwyn Belling, Tara helped establish the Lifetime Member option. She has served on the Leadership Development Committee and currently is in the Racial Equity Study Group. AAWGT Founder Sharon Stewart notes Tara’s leading role in recruiting the next generation of AAWGT members. “It’s easy and we should all do it,” says Tara, who also mentions the importance of “intergenerational recruiting,” such as inviting one’s mother and daughter(s) to join the organization. Hopes for the Future Tara’s “hope list” is a long one, but her top aspiration is for AAWGT to live and embody the title of our March 2021 education offering, Women Fostering Change. Other hopes include continued work with AAC public schools on financial literacy for all students; nurturing innovation by grantees in incubating new ideas and ways of solving problems; continuation of an intentional journey toward racial equity based on our shared values; and initiation of a conversation about planned giving. “Creating one’s legacy through planned charitable donations provides oxygen for not-for-profit organizations,” concludes Tara. “I want to congratulate members on the 15th anniversary of AAWGT. You have proven, once again, that when smart women get together, powerful things happen.” AAWGT Beginnings When Sharon moved to Annapolis in late 2004, she was eager to establish a Giving Circle, having participated in one in the Baltimore area. By May of 2005, she received a hosting “go” from Les Salamon, Founder of the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County, and permission to work with the Foundation’s new Executive Director, Gail Sanders, on recruiting a small group of women who could get a Giving Circle off the ground. Fifteen women (Founders) participated in a kick-off meeting in September 2005. “We had a specific game plan for what we wanted to accomplish during the first six months, including, among other things, determining organizational structure, focus of contributions, grant-giving criteria and process, educational activities, and impact evaluation,” says Sharon. “We decided early on that we wanted our grants to support women and families, so we invited speakers from around the county to educate us about key needs of this population,” notes Sharon. The group identified six “big need buckets” and prioritized them via member voting by urgency of need. “Education, health and welfare needs, and violence and abuse emerged as the top issue areas where we thought we could actually do something to help.” 2007 was the first grant-giving year, with nearly $40,000 granted to four organizations. Achieved primarily by word of mouth, AAWGT’s membership grew rapidly. By June 2006, there were 45 “Founding Members” and by year-end 2006, membership was 72. That doubled by 2008. Hopes for the Future “I’m really proud of what AAWGT has accomplished during the past 15 years and of all the amazing leaders who have stepped in and taken it to the next level. I’m especially proud of the group’s response to the Black Lives Matter movement and the fact that AAWGT set up the new Racial Equity Grant category,” comments Sharon. “I hope AAWGT continues to be a thought leader in the community, taking on important issues. By continuing to partner with other organizations, AAWGT can be even more powerful, working with others to achieve positive change.” Sharon also notes that she hopes to see the AAWGT endowment grow, leaving “a continuing legacy for the community forever.” |