Anne Arundel Women Giving Together is deeply committed to understanding, and working to help ameliorate, racial inequities in our community.
Our monthly meetings include discussions with community representatives on a variety of subjects, field trips, sharing information from other giving circles and philanthropic organizations, and news and information about events that members share at each meeting. A report on each meeting is presented to the Steering Committee each month. All meetings are open to all members and new members join each time. Research shows that members of giving circles:
| March 13 Racial Equity Study Group Meeting Our next meeting will be held March 13 over Zoom, 4-5pm. The guests are Sisters Seeking Insights for Solutions, who will discuss their book, “Where Colors Meet: A Tapestry of Black and White, Stories of courage, Connection and Transformation.” Contact Sharon Boettinger to be added to the RESG distribution list for the ZOOM link to this presentation.
Watch the recording of the Thursday, September 12 meeting featuring Dr. Monica Jones, chair of Luminis Health Women's and Children's Services, will speak on the topic of Women's Health Equity.